should i forget about my crush sorted by


Crush Quiz

To be with a guy who is too shy to even have a simple conversation with her? It is hard but with a little help from your friends and parents, you will make it.

What to Do When Your Crush is Taken

The best thing is that it is not a permanent feeling; hence, you will get over it and move on.

51 Things To Say To Your Crush

It is hard but whenever you think about your crush, you must think of something else.

Do you ever completely forget your first crush?

i had a crush when i was in high school , she liked someone else but by crush i mean REAL crush i have never loved any one like this it feel like she is different from every one else and she was in one of my classes and that class was 2 hours but it felt like 2 minutes when ever she present and when ever she talks to me i felt like my heart wants to leave my body but school year has been done and its been 4 years since 2017 till now 2021 i have never forgotten her every time she comes into my mind huge depression comes to me so i became a biker every time im in mood i cruise around and i have never liked or looked at any one the same way i used to look at her, and i have never dated any one past that.

How To Forget Your Crush And Move On With Your Life

Just think about it from their perspective: if someone came up to you and asked you the same question, wouldn't you feel slightly freaked out? You'd be surprised how much those seemingly childish emotions could actually mean.

How To Forget Your Crush And Move On With Your Life

You're not stuck in the past ruminating about injustice, nor are you fantasizing about a future with your crush.

Crush Quiz

One great way to forget about your crush is to spend as much time as possible with the people who mean the most to you.

Do you ever completely forget your first crush?

We all know that feeling when we see the target of our affections and our tongue all of sudden feels like it's been tied in a weird way that doesn't allow us to speak, and we're so nervous our stomach twists.

11 Reasons Why Childhood Crushes Will Always Have A Special Place In Our Hearts


51 Things To Say To Your Crush

Did i really moved on or not? Though these changes may not be directly related to your crush, just making an effort to get out of the mindset that got you hung up on your crush in the first place can help you start to look at the world differently and to stop thinking the same thoughts that revolve around your crush.

11 Reasons Why Childhood Crushes Will Always Have A Special Place In Our Hearts

Degges-White says—and it's especially true when your crush is a total flirt despite being taken, which could be bad news from the get-go.